Download the Lanplayer for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS.
Select the system to be installed


  • Windows 10 (64-bit) or higher
Download .ExeProtable .zip


  • Android 21 or higher
Download .Apk


  • macOS 10.13 or higher
Download .Dmg


  • Ubuntu 22 or higher
  • Debian 12 or higher
  • Fedora 38 or higher
  • openSUSE 15.5 or higher
  • centOS 8 or higher
Download .AppImage


  • Not supported now
Installtion instructions


Windows has two distributions, one is a portable version, and the other is an installer version.

1.Installer version. Download the .exe file, and the installation process is the same as other software.

2.Portable version. This version does not need to be installed, just unzip it and run it.


The Android version provides a .apk file, which can be downloaded and installed directly, and supports all CPU architectures.


The Macos version provides a .dmg file,Download the file ,drag the app to the Applications folder to install it

Tip: if install failed,open Terminal and run the command like a real hacker sudo xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine /Applications/LanPlayer.app


The Linux version provides a AppImage file, download the file,add execute permission and run it directly.

Tip: on ubuntu, you must install libfuse2 before running the AppImage if you system dont have it. sudo apt install libfuse2

Frequently asked question

Do I need to install the software on all devices?

Only the device sharing the media needs to install the software. Other devices can watch via their built-in browser without any installation.